Dr. Jürgen Knobloch joins KETEK management

2017-06-08T13:49:40+01:00March 1st, 2017|

Since March 1st 2017, Dr. Jürgen Knobloch has been assigned as new managing director of KETEK. Jürgen holds a PhD in Physics and has been Director of Sales & Marketing at KETEK since 2007. Before that he occupied several positions in the semiconductor industry. Besides [...]

Conferences and Events Calendars for 2017 published

2017-02-09T08:27:36+01:00January 1st, 2017|

Offering high-quality products and maintaining close contact to our customers are the essences of our business. Therefore KETEK is attending several conferences and events every year. Meet us at an exhibition worldwide and near you. For a complete list of events attended by KETEK in [...]

KETEK lands on Mars

2016-03-17T16:05:52+01:00August 7th, 2012|

On board of Mars rover Curiosity and as part of a X-ray spectrometer, KETEK’s Silicon Drift Detectors have arrived on the Red Planet. The X-ray instrument, again part of an onboard science laboratory, irradiates a rock or soil target with X-rays. The irradiation results in [...]

Foundation of Centre for Microsystemintegration Munich (CMM)

2016-10-24T21:34:50+01:00November 12th, 2010|

Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für Modulare Festkörper-Technologien (EMFT), Siemens AG, LFoundry GmbH, KETEK GmbH and SÜSS MicroTec AG announced the foundation of a Centre for Microsystemintegration Munich (CMM). The well-established partners offer a broad expertise in technology and product development in the area of micro systems, which represent [...]

New KETEK Clean Room for SDD Assembly

2016-03-01T14:27:03+01:00April 1st, 2009|

KETEK's new class 1000 clean room has started operation in April 2008. The new facility has is equipped with state of the art air filtering and climate controls. Under three laminate air flow areas a particle density below 100 /inch³ is reached. Expertise our regularly trained [...]

Birthday on Mars

2016-10-24T21:34:53+01:00January 14th, 2009|

Birthday on Mars – the two Mars MER-Rover, equipped with six KETEK alpha particle detectors and a customized SDD, are still active and could celebrate their 5th birthday after landing on Mars on the 4th of January in 2004. Read more about it: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/podcast/mer20090112.cfm http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/01/03/mars.rovers.five.years/

New Cleanroom Production Floor

2016-03-01T14:27:03+01:00December 17th, 2008|

In October 2008 KETEK started the construction of a new backend production line in the new floors at the companies headquarter in Hofer Str. 3. Due to the growth of the company in the past years, the cleanroom floorplan was more than doubled. KETEK is proud [...]

Quality in Focus

2016-03-01T14:27:03+01:00April 22nd, 2008|

End of March 2008 KETEK was certified by TÜV Management Services for the integration of a quality management system according to ISO 9001:2000 for "sales, manufacturing and development of semiconductor detectors, detector systems and corresponding electronics". During the last 1.5 years KETEK worked on this [...]

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