Company Founder
Dr. Josef Kemmer
* 1938 – † 2007
* 1938 – † 2007
Curriculum Vitae Dr. Josef Kemmer
1959 – 1965 | Studies of Physics at the University of Würzburg (Bachelor´s Degree) and at the University of Heidelberg (Diploma). Diploma thesis at the MPI for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg with the subject: “Development of a combined dE/E counter by boron implantation in n-silicon”. |
1965 – 1966 | Designs and develops Ge(Li)-detectors at the MPI for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg. |
1966 – 1970 | PhD at the Institute for Radio Chemistry of TU-Munich with the title: “Analysis of the mass distribution of the fission products of Pa-231 and U-232 by irradiation of reactor neutrons”. For this purpose a gamma-measurement-setup has been built with self-made Ge(Li)-detectors. |
1970 – 1992 | Head of detector laboratory in the department of physics at the TU-Munich in Garching. Processing of Ge(Li)-detectors for experiments in nuclear physics and nuclear reactors. Develops planar technology for processing high-purity silicon. |
1980 | Publishes planar technology with ion implantation in Nuclear Instruments and Methods (NIM). |
1985 – 1989 | Head of the central research laboratory of MBB in Ottobrunn. Designs and constructs a semiconductor laboratory for mechanotronics. |
1989 – 2007 | Founder and managing director of KETEK GmbH. |
1992 – 2002 | R & D contracts with the MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, supervision of the MPI semiconductor laboratory in Munich, produces world´s largest pn-CCD for XMM-Newton. |
1999 – 2000 | Design and installation of the new MPI semiconductor laboratory in Munich-Perlach. |
2002 – 2007 | Reorganizes KETEK GmbH with focus on product development and production, installation of cleanroom and office, composition of strategic alliances, market leadership of KETEK products, founds the company Sensotron in Sofia. |
1996 – 2002 | Member of the Editorial Board of Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. |
2004 | Receives the Innovation Award of the consortium of Bavarian bankers with the title “Bavarian Medium-sized Enterprise of the Year 2004” for outstanding product innovations and exemplary company management. |
2005 | Publication of adaption of epitaxy in detector production in Nuclear Instruments and Methods. |